ADA Signs

Since the ADA's inception, we have been manufacturing signs with EMBOSSED Grade 2 Braille. Embossed braille is the preferred braille type of the vision impaired population due to it's rounded or domed tops.

By embossing braille, the braille is an integral part of the sign, unlike other processes that attach braille by adhesive or drilling holes and friction fitting beads to the sign face.

Our state of the art equipment ensures that the embossed braille is made with precision accuracy on each and every sign. For environments such as schools where vandalism is a concern, the braille can be backfilled with a hardening compound for a tough, durable sign.

See our Technical Bulletin explaining the proposed changes to the ADA regarding braille. These proposed changes are nothing new to us, since we have always made our braille to these new requirements.

There are limitless color choices for these signs. We can match any Pantone color or paint chip to make the signs match the building's decor.

We have several standard signs such as restroom and exit signs, but the majority of our signs are custom made to either our designs or architect's designs.

For more information regarding our ADA signs, please request a copy of our ADA Sign catalog.

If you are in the business of selling or specifying ADA signs and/or conducting ADA site surveys, see our ADA Sign Guides.

Custom ADA Signs

Standard ADA Signs

MEMCOline of ADA Signs

Braille Evacuation Plans

ADA Sign Specifications

Discounts for Sign Companies and General Contractors

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How to contact MEMCO

Send us email at

MEMCO Merrimack Engraving & Marking Co
Methuen, MA
(978) 683-5335